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【“语”你战“疫”】同心同力 共克时艰 — 外国语学院研究生党支部主题教育系列活动(四)

作者: 编辑:李岚燕、张悦;审核:于涛 | 发布日期:2020-02-23 12:04:00 | 浏览次数:


隔离不隔爱,人不动心在动。外国语学院研究生党支部积极贯彻落实中央精神精神,学校以及学院各项决策部署要求,凝心聚力,充分发挥党员的先锋模范作用,党支部的战斗堡垒作用,响应号召,充分发挥专业优势,以“同心同力 共克时艰”为主题开展线上系列主题教育活动,分别以“手写祝福送武汉”、“战“疫”事迹译行动”、“共克时艰齐参与”为内容,结合本专业优势,让党旗高高飘扬在防控疫情斗争第一线。
防控疫情 人人有责 BTBU外语人在行动!



Liu Li is a doctor from Chinese People’s Liberation Army Hospital, she was sent to Wuhan to work against Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP). One of her photos in Wuhan hit internet recently. She is wearing a deep indentation on her face because of a long time’s medical mask wearing. “We were deeply touched by patients when they give us their thumbs up. We have tried our best in this fight, we believe we can make it.” Liu Li told the news agency in an interview. Liu Li and other medical workers who fight on the front line against NCP bringing hopes to the patients and people across China, they are angels with the most shining smile.
(译:鲍思丛  钟敏)


One "enemy" attacked us abruptly in just a few days. The number of patients hit by COVID-19 pneumonia keeps raging, but there is still no targeted medicine. At present, more than 30,000 people have been diagnosed nationwide. One voice makes people feel at ease. "Virus passes from person to person." "It is preventable and treatable, so there is no need to be panic." "The situation will see gradually improvement, and a strong spirit is required." The words aforementioned were from Zhong Nanshan, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a well-known respiratory expert who had made outstanding contributions to the prevention and treatment of atypical pneumonia (hereinafter referred to as "SARS"). Zhong, an 84-year-old man, was entrusted with the mission as the leader of a high-level expert group of the National Health and Health Committee at such critical and difficult moment. He sticks on the front line of epidemic prevention and control. It was he who declared the route of transmission directly to the public in an official press conference. Covered many provinces like Wuhan, Beijing and Guangzhou, he never stops. His sorrow, sincerity, tears, like sharp knives, engraved in the fight of epidemic. What behind this is the original aspiration of a Communist, the mission of a healer, and the righteousness of a scholar. 

(译:李岚燕 陈明利)




A few days ago, the National Health Commission announced to establish partner assistance relations of 16 provinces to support cities outside Wuhan in Hubei to fully support Hubei Province to strengthen patient care. The reporter learned from the National Health Commission that the inter-provincial partner assistance plan for the prevention and treatment of NCP in cities outside Wuhan, Hubei province has been issued. Considering the actual situation, the actual support is not “one to one”. The specific partner assistance relationship is: Chongqing and Heilongjiang support Xiaogan; Shandong and Hunan support Huanggang; Jiangxi helps Suizhou; Guangdong and Hainan support Jingzhou, Liaoning and Ningxia send help to Xiangyang, Jiangsu sends help to Yichang, inner Mongolia and Zhejiang send help to Jingmen, Shanxi supports Xiantao and Tianmen and Qianjiang, Guizhou supports Ezhou, Yunnan helps Xianning, Guangxi helps Shiyan, Tianjin helps Enshi, Shennongjia Forest Zone has been partnered with Hebei that will provide it with assistance. This one-to-one help consists of medical personnel, administrators and staffs of disease prevention, which aims to address the problem that these cities are less technology, staff and equipment than Wuhan and they are in dire need of. Meanwhile, the National Health Commission demand all supporting provinces to improve communication and cooperation with their partner cities, and actively supply and dispatch the medical material such as masks, protection clothing and goggles, etc.
(译:石笑秋 李常鹏)



