





Email: zhangjingyun@th.btbu.edu.cn; zyl4567@sina.com

张景云,女,1965年生,博士,北京工商大学商学院教授,硕士研究生导师,主要从事品牌管理,公共关系和市场营销学的教学与科研工作。1984.9~1988.7在内蒙古财经大学读本科;1991.9~1994.7在北京商学院(现北京工商大学)商业经济专业读硕士,获经济学硕士学位;2004.9~2009.1在中国人民大学新闻学院传播学专业研读,获文学博士学位。中国公共关系协会常务理事,中国高校市场学研究会常务理事,中国新闻史学会公共关系分会常务理事,中国商业史学会理事。主持完成国家社科基金项目“中国品牌跨文化传播战略研究”、 北京市哲学社会科学重点项目:“北京老字号品牌营销案例研究”、中华供销合作总社软科学项目“供销合作社制度建设研究”及多个企业项目。代表着作:《大众传播距离论:一种心理学视角》、《品牌跨文化传播:理论与实践》,《中国品牌全球化:理论建构与案例研究》等。


ZHANG Jingyun(1965- ), Ph.D., professor of Marketing in the Business School of Beijing Technology and Business University. Her teaching and research interests include brand management, public relations and marketing. She serves as the executive director in several academic institutions in the field, such as China Public Relations Association, Chinese Marketing Association of Universities, Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Mass Communication (the branch of PR’s),and the permanent member in the Society of Chinese Commercial History.


1988, B.A. in Economics, Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics

1994, M.A. in Economics, Beijing Business College (now Beijing Technology and Business University)

2009, Ph.D. in Communication Studies, Renmin University of China

Representative projects:

1.“Study on Cross-Cultural Communication Strategy of Chinese Brands” (National Social Science Fund Project,No.12BXW038)

2. “Study on the Case Study of Beijing Time-honored Brand Marketing Innovation” (Beijing Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science Project,No.13JDJGA019)

3.“Study on Supply and Marketing Cooperative Systemic Construction” (All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives’ Soft Science Project)

Representative works :

1.“A Study on the Distance in Mass Communication- A Psychological Perspective”,Xinhua Publishing House,2009.

2."TheBrand Cross-Cultural Communication: Theory and Practice", Economic Science Press,2013.

3." Globalization of Chinese Brand: Theoretical Construction and Case Studies", Economic &Management Publishing House,2019.


Email: zhangjingyun@th.btbu.edu.cn

 Address:No.33.Fucheng Road ,Haidian District, Beijing,100048