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HuYan, Female, born in Feb. 1962 and in Hebei Province, got master degree of economic from BTBU, Professor of business college of BTBU, director for graduate students, non –executive member of The Chinese Institute Certified Public Accountants, director of China Commercial  Accounting Institute. My main teaching courses are advanced financial accounting and Intermediate financial accounting   etc. The main researching subjects are about internal control and risk management, consolidated financial statement etc. I have issued about 50 papers on the magazines of accounting research, finance and accounting etc. I have written 2 monographs. I hosted or took part in 10 state level or ministry level projects. I got the title of excellent teacher of Beijing for morality. The courses hosted by me are state level or Beijing level excellent courses. The textbook of advanced accounting hosted by me is chosen as excellent textbook in Beijing. The researching subjects hosted by me got the award of Beijing Fourth Philosophy and Social Science Research Excellence, Internal Trade Bureau Technology Progress Award.