






    研究方向:会计信息质量、公司治理与公司成长。主持国家社科基金项目、教育部人文社科基金项目、北京高校“青年英才”计划、国家卫生计生委课题等项目。发表CSSCI期刊论文多篇,获第23届亚太地区国际会计专题研讨会Vernon Zimmerman最佳论文奖。出版专着《公司增长与价值创造》与译着《金融理论与公司政策》,参编《中级财务会计》等教材。担任国有资产管理协同创新中心兼职研究员、CSSCI期刊审稿人。
    教学:担任注会全英语班中级财务会计学、MPACC商业伦理与会计职业道德课程负责人。主要讲授本科英语课程:中级财务会计学、会计学原理;中文课程:内部控制与全面风险管理;研究生、MPACC、MBA课程:商业伦理与会计职业道德、内部控制专题、会计实务专题;IMB全英语课程:Accounting I等。
    Ting Liu, is an associate professor, graduate advisor, Ph.D. from Renmin University of China, executive director of International Exchange and Cooperation and Certification Office, National Accounting Talents (Academic) of Phase 6. She has studied in University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University in United States for 1 year as a visiting scholar sponsored by China Scholarship Council.
    Research fields: accounting information quality, corporate governance, and firm’s growth. She holds National Social Science Fund Project, Humanities and Social Science Found Project Sponsored by Ministry of Education, and Beijing Universities “Young Talents” Project. She was awarded Vernon Zimmerman Best Paper in 23nd Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues. Moreover, she publishes a monograph “Firm’s Growth and Value Creation: in Perspective of Governance Mechanisms” and a translation "Financial Theory and Corporate Policy (4th)". In addition, she is a researcher of Collaborative Innovation Centre of State-owned Assets Administration and reviewer of CSSCI journal.
    She is in charge of the English course team of Intermediate Financial Accounting and Business ethics and Accounting professional ethics. She teaches English courses for undergraduates: Intermediate Financial Accounting, and Principles of Accounting; Chinese courses for undergraduates: Internal Control and Risk Management, Principles of Accounting; courses for master candidate, MPACC and MBA: Business ethics and Accounting professional ethics, Financial Accounting; English courses for IMBA: Accounting I,etc.