谢萍,女,毕业于首都经济贸易大学(原北京经济学院),经济学硕士。北京工商大学商学院副教授 ,硕士研究生导师,全校统开课 “会计学”课程的负责人。主讲“会计学原理”、“中级财务会计”、“会计学”等课程,致力于公司会计实务、业绩评价及企业会计准则等方面问题的研究。1998年4月至1999年2月在香港何铁文会计师行专业研修审计与税务。近年来在《财务与会计》、《财会月刊》、《北京工商大学学报》等刊物公开发表论文多篇,主持和参与多项横纵项课题,主编及参编《会计学》、《会计学原理》、《中级财务会计》等多本教材。主讲的“中级财务会计”被评为国家级与北京市级精品课程,主讲的“会计学原理”课程被评为北京市精品课,主编的《会计学》教材获北京工商大学优秀教材二等奖。
Pingxie, Female, vice professor, master tutor, graduated from capital economic and trade university, has master's degree in Economics. I am responsible for the course of accounting which is studied in whole university. I teach the course of principle of accounting, Intermediate financial accounting etc mainly. My researching interest is in accounting practice, accounting standard and performance evaluation. I visited Hong Kong Hetiewen accounting firm from Apr. 1998 to Feb. 1999 in order to do some researches in auditing and tax. In recent years, I issued a lot of researching papers in