Sponsored by CSC’s the National Construction of High Quality University project, Dr. HONG Ying has received her PhD degree of Sciences Economics from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne; and serves as a university lecturer at Business School of BTBU (Beijing Technology and Business School) now. During her study in France, Dr. HONG also worked as a Researcher at the UEA (Unité d'Economie Appliquée) de ENSTA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées); and attended international academic seminars for many times. The principal research fields of Dr. HONG include: Internet Economy and Network Industry, Big Data and Digital Content, Brand management and Services Marketing. Since 2009, Dr. HONG has involved in a number of academic projects including NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China) and management consulting projects for major industry. Meanwhile she also has pressed related academic papers at core journals as “Study and Practice”, “Techno-economics & Management Research”, “Mobile Communication”, etc. and participates in writing the book “Universities of Industry characteristics and Region Socio-economic Evolution”.