1. Haimiao Chen, Applying TQFT to count regular coverings of Seifert 3-manifolds, Journal of Geometry and Physics (SCI), vol.62, no.6, (2012) 1347-1357.
2.Haimiao Chen, Lifting automorphisms along abelian regular coverings of graphs, Discrete Mathematics (SCI), vol.313, no.14, (2013) 1535-1539.
3.Haimiao Chen, Enumerating typical abelian coverings of Cayley graphs, Discrete Mathematics (SCI), vol.313, no.14, (2013) 1503-1510.
4.Haimiao Chen, Hao Shen, How to find G-admissible coverings of a graph? Linear Algebra and its Applications (SCI), vol.438, no.8, (2013) 3303-3320.
5.Haimiao Chen, Counting homotopy classes of mappings via Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants, Topology and Its Applications (SCI), vol.161, no.1, (2014) 316-320.
6.Haimiao Chen, Jin Ho Kwak, Lifting graph automorphisms along regular solvable covers, European Journal of Combinatorics (SCI), vol.51, (2016) 519-532.
7.Haimiao Chen, Regular balanced Cayley maps on PSL(2,p), Discrete Mathematics (SCI), vol.339 (2016), 2933-2940.
8.Haimiao Chen, The Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants of Seifert 3-manifolds with orientable bases, Journal of Geometry and Physics (SCI), vol.108 (2016), 38--48.
9.Haimiao Chen, Quotients of polynomial rings and regular t-balanced Cayley maps on abelian groups, European Journal of Combinatorics (SCI), vol.65 (2017),45-58.
10.Haimiao Chen, Yueshan Xiong, Zhongjian Zhu, Automorphisms of metacyclic groups, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal (SCI), vol.68 (2018), 803-815.
11.Haimiao Chen, Trace-free SL(2,C)-representations of Montesinos links, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications (SCI), vol.27 (2018), no.8, 1850050 (10 pages).
12.Haimiao Chen, Character varieties of odd classical pretzel knots, International Journal of Mathematics (SCI), vol.29, (2018), no.9, 1850060 (15 pages).