


副教授 博士
1.  Meng Li; Xiaohui Cheng; Hongxian Guo; and Zuan Yang. Biomineralization of Carbonate by Terrabacter Tumescens for Heavy Metal Removal and Biogrouting Applications. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 2015,http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000970.
2.  Meng LiXiaohui ChengHongxian Guo; and Zuan Yang. Enhancement of the Yield and Strength of Microbially-induced Carbonate Precipitation by Optimum Cultivation and Grouting Measures for Civil Engineering Applications, Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology,2013, 7: 631-638.
3.  Li, M., Guo, H.X., Cheng, X.H. Heavy metal removal by biomineralization of urease producing bacteria isolated from soil” International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 2013, 76: 81-85.
4.  Guo, H.X., Cheng, X, H., Li, M. Experimental Analysis of Bio-stimulated Sealing Process in Environmental Geotechnical Engineering, Science in China - Series E: Technological Sciences. 2013, 56: 732-738.
5.  Meng Li, Zhi Chen, Xuan Zhang, Yuan Song, Ying Wen, and Jilun Li. Enhancement of avermectin and ivermectin production by overexpression of the maltose ATP-binding cassette transporter in Streptomyces avermitilis. Bioresource Technology. 2010, 101(23): 9228–9235.
6.Meng Li, Zhi Chen, Xiuping Lin, Xuan Zhang, Yuan Song, Ying Wen, and Jilun Li. Engineering of avermectin biosynthetic genes to improve production of ivermectin in Streptomyces avermitilis. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2008, 18 (20): 53595363.
7.Meng Li, Hongxian Guo, Xiaohui Cheng. Application of response surface methodology for carbonate precipitation production induced by a mutant strain of Sporosarcina pasteurii. Geo Froniers 2011, ASCE, Dallas, Texas USA.
8.Meng Li, Zuan Yang, Hongxian Guo, Xiaohui Cheng. Heavy metals removal by biomineralization of urea hydrolyzed bacteria isolated from soil. First International Conference on Geomicrobial Ecotoxicology. 2011, Wuhan, P.R.China.
9.Xiuping Lin, Ying Wen, Meng Li, Zhi Chen, Jia Guo, Yuan Song, and Jilun Li. A newstrain of Streptomyces avermitilis produces high yield of oligomycin A with potentanti-tumor activity on human cancer cell lines in vitro. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.2009, 81 (5): 839845.
10.Xiaolin Zhang, Zhi Chen, Meng Li, Ying Wen, Yuan Song and Jilun Li, Construction of ivermectin producer by domain swaps of avermectin polyketide synthase in Streptomyces avermitilis, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2006, 72 (5):986994.
11.李萌, 高路,张昕悦, 何聪芬.荧光光电法检测化妆品中致病菌的研究.日用化学工业, 2013, 43 (4)321-324.
12.李萌,高路,何聪芬, 董银卯. 基于ITS序列的化妆品中污染真菌检测与鉴定.中国卫生检验杂志, 2013, 23 (15)3057-3064.
13.李萌, 张选, 文莹, 宋渊. 麦芽糖转运相关基因的表达对阿维菌素合成的影响.      中国农业科技导报, 2014, 16 (1)71-75.
14.李萌, 程晓辉, 郭红仙, 杨钻. 巴氏芽孢八叠球菌诱变选育脲酶高产菌株. 中国农业科技导报, 2014, 15 (6)130-134.
15.李萌, 郭红仙,程晓辉. 土壤中产脲酶微生物分离及对重金属的固化.     湖北农业科学, 2013, 54 (14)3280-3282.
16.李萌, 季永甜, 宋渊, 何聪芬. 透明质酸的微生物发酵法生产与应用概况, 湖北农业科学 2013, 52 (13): 2980-2983.
17.李萌, 程晓辉, 杨钻, 郭红仙. 土壤中产脲酶细菌的分离及其在微生物砂浆制备中的应用,   混凝土与水泥制品, 2013,208:13-16.  
18.王冬冬,陈雪红,曹冬梅,李萌, 王昌涛.微生物法提取马齿苋和银杏叶黄酮及其抗氧化活性研究, 湖北农业科学, 2015,54(6):1455-1457.
19.张越, 郭红仙, 程晓辉, 李萌. 微生物诱导碳酸钙沉积技术治理某地下室渗漏的现场试验, 工业建筑2013, 43(12): 138-143.
20.张昕悦, 张秀军, 何聪芬,李萌,高路. 聚合酶链式反应技术检测化妆品中的铜绿假单胞菌, 日用化学工业 2012,04.

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