




博士,教授,爱尔兰科克大学(University College Cork,Ireland)数学学院客座高级讲师。
通讯地址:北京市海淀区阜成路33/11号 北京工商大学理学院数学系(100048)。
2002.09-2005.06, 北京师范大学数学科学学院,博士;
2005.06-2007.12, 北京工商大学数理系,讲师;
2006.07-2008.07, 首都师范大学数学科学学院,博士后;
2007.12- 2017.09, 北京工商大学理学院,副教授;
2017.10- 至今,    北京工商大学理学院,教授;
2014.09-2015.06, 爱尔兰科克大学数学科学学院统计系,博士后;
2017.01-2019.12, 爱尔兰科克大学数学学院客座高级讲师。
关于PET/ CT图像的大数据降维, 与爱尔兰科克大学University  College Cork统计系Finbarr OSullivan教授和Jian Huang研究员关于生物统计方向的合作研究;
1.  张艳慧,邓冠铁,《位势分析》,科学出版社,北京,20183月。                      Y.H. Zhang, G.T. Deng,potential Analysis, Science Press, Beijing, March 2018. (Chinese)
2. 邓冠铁, 张艳慧, 《次调和分析》, 科学出版社,北京,20156月。                     G.T. Deng, Y.H. Zhang, Subharmonic Analysis, Science Press, Beijing, June 2015. (Chinese)
1 Y. H. Zhang, Kit Ian Kou, Guan Tie Deng, Tao Qian, The generalized Mateaev theorem on growth of subharmonic functions admitting a lower bound in R^n, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations,62(52)2017: 642-653.
2  Y. H. Zhang, Kit Ian Kou, Integral representation and estimation of harmonic functions in the Quaternionic half space, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,40(2017):5484-5489.
3. Y. H. Zhang, Guan Tie Deng, Tao Qian,Integral Representations of a Class of Harmonic
Functions in the Half Space, Journal of Differential Equations, 260(2016):923-936.
4. Y. H. Zhang, Guan Tie Deng, Kit Ian Kou, Asymptotic Behaviour of Fractional Laplacians in the Half Space, Applied Mathematics and Computation,  16( 5)2015:1733-1748.
5. Y. H. Zhang, Kit Ian Kou, Guan Tie Deng,  Integral representation and asymptotic behaviour of harmonic functions in half space, Journal of Differential Equations, 257 (2014), 27532764.
6. Y. H. Zhang, Guan Tie Deng, Kit Ian Kou, On the lower bound for a class of harmonic functions in the half space, Acta Mathematica Scientia ,2012,32B(4):1487-1494.
7. K.I.Kou, J. Morais and Y. H. Zhang, Generalized prolate spheroidal wave functions for offset linear canonical transform in Clifford analysis, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 36(2013): 10281041.
8. G.C.Wen, Y.H. Zhang and D.C. Chen, General Boundary Value Problems for Nonlinear Uniformly Elliptic Equations in Multiply Connected Infinite Domains,International Journal of Modern Nonlinear Theory and Application, 2013. 2.:170-175.
9. K.I. Kou, R.H. Xu and Y.H. Zhang, Paley-Wiener theorems and uncertainty principles for the windowed linear canonical transform, Methods and Applications of Analysis,2012. 35: 21222132.
10M. Arunkumar, M. J. Rassias, and Y.H. Zhang, Ulam - Hyers Stability of a 2- Variable AC - Mixed Type Functional Equation: Direct and Fixed Point Methods, Journal of Modern Mathematics Frontier, 2012. 1:10-26.
11.张艳慧,半空间中次调和函数的Phragmen-Lindelof 定理及应用,中国科学:数学,第42 卷,2015.
Y.H. Zhang, Phragmen-Lindelof theorems and application of subharmonic functions in the half
space, Scientia Sinica Mathematica, Vol.42, 2015. (in Chinese)
12. 张艳慧, 邓冠铁,杨康莉,半空间中几类多项式与Poission核乘积的积分及增长性,数学进展(中文
版),44 , 2015.
Y.H. Zhang,G.T. Deng, K.l. Yang, The integral and growth properties and
polynomials and Poisson Kernel, Advances In Mathematics, Vol.44, 2015. (in
13  张艳慧,  邓冠铁,半空间中一类次调和函数的增长性质,数学学报(中文版), 第51卷,第2期,2008319-326.
  Y.H. Zhang,G.T.Deng, Growth properties for a class of subharmonic functions in
half space, Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series, Vol.51, No. 2, 2008:319-326. (in Chinese)
15. 张艳慧,邓冠铁,杨康莉,四元数半空间中的次调和函数及其等价性质,北京师范大学学报4062004711-716.
16. 杨靖阳,张艳慧,熔断机制对我国A股市场影响的实证分析,统计与决策172017:153-155.
17.杨靖阳,张艳慧 基于ACD模型的股指期货市场流动性研究,数学的实践与认识92016):54-60.
18  卢小华,张艳慧,郑宇轩,高频数据波动率小波估计方法的比较,统计与决策3472018:89-91.
2018.01-2020.12, 北京市自然科学基金面上项目(1182008),HP空间中次调和函数的积分表示及应用,主持;
                   Beijing Natural Science Foundation.
2016.01-2018.12,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(NSFC 11501015),半空间中次调和函数的Matseav定理,主持;
National Natural Science Foundation of China
2015.01-2017.12,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(NSFC 11401162),参与;
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Funding Project for Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of Higher Learning Under the Jurisdiction of Beijing MunicipalityPHR);
Scientific Research Project of Beijing Educational Committee
2016年北京工商大学教育教学一等奖;                  2015年北京工商大学科技进步二等奖;        2013年度北京工商大学“就业工作优秀奖”;                     2012年度北京工商大学 “就业工作优秀奖”;       2011年度北京工商大学理学院“社会工作优秀贡献奖”;  20054月“求是”研究生专项奖(北京师范大学)。


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