
北京工商大学理学院副院长 物理系教授















1.   稀土永磁材料的研究;

2.   巨磁电阻功能材料的研究;

3.   快淬交换耦合纳米复合磁体的研究;

4.   磁记录材料的制备及磁性研究;

5.   化学自组装纳米材料的研究;

6.   磁性薄膜及微磁传感器件研究。





1.     Kaiming Cai,  Meiyin Yang,  Hailang Ju,  Sumei Wang,  Yang Ji,  Baohe Li,  Kevin William Edmonds,  Yu Sheng,   Bao Zhang,  Nan Zhang, Shuai Liu,  Houzhi Zheng& Kaiyou Wang, Electric field control of deterministic current-induced magnetization switching in a hybrid ferromagnetic/ferroelectric structure, Nature Materials  doi:10.1038/nmat4886(2017)
2.   俱海浪, 王洪信, 程鹏, 李宝河*, 陈晓白, 刘帅, 于广华, 磁性多层膜CoFeB/Ni的垂直磁各向异性研究, 物理学报,第65卷第24期,247502 (2016)
3.    Meiyin Yang,, Kaiming Cai,, Hailang Ju, Kevin William Edmonds, Guang Yang, Shuai Liu, Baohe Li, Bao Zhang, Yu Sheng, Shouguo Wang, Yang Ji & Kaiyou Wang, Spin-orbit torque in Pt/CoNiCo/Pt symmetric devices, Scientific Reports | 6:20778 | DOI: 10.1038/srep20778, 2016
4.    Baohe Li & Wei Wang, The Magnetic Properties of L10-FePt Thin Film with Perpendicular Anisotropy, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2015161(1), 70-75
5.    Hailang Ju, Baohe Li*, Zhifang WuFan ZhangPerpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy Study of Co/Pt Multilayers, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2015160(1),153-159
6.    俱海浪,向萍萍,王伟,李宝河*MgO/Pt界面对增强Co/Ni多层膜垂直磁各向异性及热稳定性的研究,物理学报,201564(19)197501-6
7.    俱海浪,李宝河*,吴志芳,张璠,刘帅,于广华,Co/Ni多层膜垂直磁各向异性的研究,物理学报,201564(9)97501-5
8.    Xiao Li*, Baohe Li, Jianda Shao, The characteristic parameters of initiating defects in HfO2/SiO2 high-reflector multilayer thin film at wavelength of 1064 nm. Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys., 67: 30301, 2014.
9.    Chun Feng, Kui Gong, Chuan-Chuan Xu, Meiyin Yang, Xujing Li, Baohe Li, Guanghua YuSynthesis and property tunability of interparticle exchange-decoupled L1(0)-FePt:Au/Fe perpendicular ECC filmsJournal of alloys and compounds,  590(2014-3)289–293
10.    Feng, C; Yang, MY; Gong, K; Li, XJ; Li, BH; Jiang, Y; Yu, GH Dynamical mechanism for coercivity tunability in the electrically controlled FePt perpendicular films with small grain size, J. Appl. Phys.115,  ISSN:0021-8979, 023906 (2014-1)
11.   Liu, S; Yu, GH; Yang, MY; Ju, HL; Li, BH; Chen, XBCo/Pt multilayer-based pseudo spin valves with perpendicular magnetic anisotropyRARE METALSNo. 33 , 646-651( 2014-12)
12.   Li, X; Xu, DH; Geng, AC; Chen, XB; Li, BH; Jiang, ZQ; Liu, SJ, Oscillation of nonvolatile holographic recording in LiNbO3:Fe:Cu crystals, OPTIK , 124(20) 4397-4399 (2013)
13.    Meiyin Yang , Chun Feng , Kui Gong , HaoWang , Lijin Wang , QianZhan , BaoheLi , Jian-Ping Wang , and Guang-Hua Yu, Current-Induced Fast-Ordering of L10-FePt Films With Small Grain Size, IEEE Transactions On Magnetics, VOL. 49, NO. 7,  3660-3662 (2013)
14.    C. Fengn, M.Y.Yang, X.J.Li, K.Gong, Y.M.Zhu, Q.Zhan, B.H.Li, Y.Jiang, G.H.Yu, Electrical control of fast ordering process in as-deposited non-perpendicular and perpendicular FePt films, Materials Letters 99, 46–49 (2013)
15.    Chun Feng, Xujing Li, Meiyin Yang, Kui Gong, Yuanmin Zhu, Qian Zhan, Li Sun, Baohe Li, Yong Jiang, and Guanghua Yu, Electromigration induced fast L10 ordering phase transition in perpendicular FePt films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 022411 (2013)
16.    X. L. CHE, J. H. LI, H. L. JU, X. B. CHEN, AND B. H. LIAb Initio Study on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Co-Pd and Co-Pt Linear and Zigzag NanowiresIntegrated Ferroelectrics, 136:132–138, 2012
17.    C. Feng, S. G. Wang, M. Y. Yang, E. Zhang, Q. Zhan, Y. Jiang, B. H. Li, and G. H. Yu, Tunable Magnetic Properties by Interfacial Manipulation of L10-FePt Perpendicular Ultrathin Film with Island-Like Structures, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol. 12, 1089–1093, 2012
18.    FENG Chun, LI Ning, LI Shuai, HUO QianMing, LI MingHua, ZHAN Qian, LI BaoHe, JIANG Yong, YU GuangHua, Modification of magnetic properties in SmCo films by controlling crystallization and phase transition, SCIENCE CHINA, Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, October 2012 Vol.55 No.10: 1798–1802
19.    Jiashun Huangfu, Chongjun Zhao, Jingyan Zhang, Baohe Li, and Guanghua Yu, Enhancement of anisotropic magnetoresistance in MgO/NiFe/MgO trilayers via NiFe nanoparticles in MgO layers, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 111, 123903 (2012)
20.    HUANGFU Jiashuna, LIU Yanga, FENG Chuna, YU Guanghuaa, and LI Baohe, Improvement of interfacial electron scattering by introduced NiFe nanoparticles, RARE METALS, Vol. 31, No. 2, Apr. 2012, p. 117
21.    LI Ning, LI Baohe, FENG Chun, LI Minghua, YU Guanghua, Effect of film thickness on magnetic properties of Cr/SmCo/Cr films, JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 30, No. 5, May 2012, P. 446
22.    Xuezhen Mei, Chun Feng , En Zhang, Meiyin Yang, Baohe Li, Guanghua Yu, Study of low-temperature ordering and crystal structure in FePtBi/Au nanocomposite films, Appl Phys A (2012) 109:145–149
23.    Chun FengNing Li Shuai LiQianming HuoMinghua LiQian Zhan Baohe Li Jinhua Yin Manipulation of the magnetic exchange interaction in SmCo films with high thermal stability by controlling phase transformation, Appl Phys A (2012) 106:125–129  
24.    C. Feng, E. Zhang, C. C. Xu, N. Li, Y. Jiang, G. H. Yu, and B. H. Li, Magnetic properties and microstructure of L10-FePt/AlN perpendicular nanocomposite films, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 110, 063910 (2011)
25.    Chun Feng, Hongjia Li, Dan Wei, Meiyin Yang, Baohe Li, Qian Zhan and Guanghua YuMicromagnetic analysis of L10-FePt/Au nanocomposite filmsJ. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44 (2011) 245001
26.    Chun Feng, En Zhang, Meiyin Yang, Ning Li, Baohe Li, Yong Jiang, and Guanghua Yu, Synthesis of L10-FePt perpendicular films with controllable coercivity and intergranular exchange coupling by interfacial microstructure control, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 107, 123911(2010)


1. 《大学物理》中国石油大学出版社,20112月,参加编写5万字。




1   皇甫加顺,于广华,冯春,腾蛟,李宝河,一种高磁电阻值NiFe薄膜材料及其制备方法,201110124341,公开(公告)日:2011.12.21,发明专利授权公告号:CN102290193B,授权公告日:2012.11.07

2   陈晓白,李宝河,赵慈,张勇,葛超力,付晓宇,电磁波空间分布演示仪,申请号:201210129571.6,申请日:2012-04-27,公开号:CN 102663942A,公开日:2012-09-12。发明专利授权公告号:CN102663942B,授权公告日:2014.10.15

3   赵慈,李宝河,陈晓白,张勇,黄践,胡洪文,李秋爽,双通电线圈磁场分布演示装置,申请号:201210035074.X,申请日:2012-02-16,公开号:CN 102542889A,公开日:2012-07-04。发明专利授权公告号:CN102542889B,授权公告日:2013.11.13

4   李宝河,陈未杰,马廷钧,张勇,一种电影防盗拍装置和一种电影防盗拍方法,申请号:201110095629.5,申请日:2011-04-15,公开号:CN 102736389A,公开日:2012-10-17。发明专利授权公告号:CN102542889B,授权公告日:2015.10


1.      2009年,北京市优秀教师

2.  2011年,北京工商大学第一届本科教学优秀奖二等奖

3.     2013年,以创新能力培养为核心的物理实践教学体系的构建北京市2012年教育教学成果奖二等奖(第一完成人)

4.     2013年,高磁晶各向异性磁记录薄膜材料的研究北京工商大学科技进步奖一等奖

5.  2015年,“超高密度磁记录介质用SmCo纳米复合薄膜材料的研究”北京工商大学科技进步奖三等奖



1.      2012.9-2014.6“同伴教学法在大学物理课堂教学中的应用,校级教改重点项目,主持项目。

2.      2014.11~2017.6“基于课堂应答系统(Clicker)的学生互助式教学法(PI教学法)的研究,北京高等学校教育教学改革项目,主持项目。

3.      2010.12012.12“高性能汽车行驶记录仪用电子磁罗盘的研究” 2010年度北京市属高等学校人才强教深化计划创新团队资助项目,主持项目。

4.      2010.12012.12 “超高密度磁记录介质用SmCo纳米复合薄膜材料的研究北京市自然科学基金,主持项目。

5.      2012.1-2015.12“电流诱导原子有序、实现磁编码记录材料性能调控的研究,国家自然科学基金,主持项目。

6.      2013.1-2016.12利用界面磁耦合作用调控FePt 基垂直记录材料的实用性能国家自然科学基金,排序2,北京工商大学课题负责人。

7.    2013.1-2015.12“新一代磁编码记录材料性能调控和机理的研究,北京市自然科学基金,排序2,北京工商大学课题负责人。



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