Current position: English >> Mathematics 
Introduction to Department of Mathematics




The predecessor of the Department of Mathematics is the Mathematics Teaching and Research Section of Beijing Business College and Beijing Institute of Light Industry. In 1999, the Mathematics Teaching and Research Section was merged with the Physics Teaching and Research Section, and then named as department of Mathematics and Physics, Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU). Since 1999, the mathematics section has been chronologically managed by the Department of Mathematics and Physics, the Department of Fundamental Courses, the Department of Mathematics and Physics, and the College of Computer and Information Engineering. In January 2011, the Department of Mathematics became part of the newly-founded School of Science of BTBU.


The department of mathematics has 40 regular faculty members, including three professors, 19 associate professors and 18 lecturers. 28 of our teachers have doctor’s degrees, and two of them are “Beijing’s Teaching Masters”. We started enrolling students in 2004, and offered two undergraduate programs then, namely, information and computational science, and applied statistics. 520 students has graduated since then, most of whom joined large multinational companies, and about 50 of whom were accepted to graduate schools of top universities, both domestic and abroad.


In 2014, working together with University College Cork (UCC), we offered an international undergraduate program in risk and actuarial science, and 34 students enrolled in this program the first year. Also, from 2012, our statistic program has been enriched by graduate students. About eight graduate students joined this program every year.



Teaching and Research


The Department of Mathematics offers almost all mathematical courses for undergraduate and graduate students of BTBU, and takes charge of all kinds of mathematical contest, for example, the National Mathematical Contest in Modeling, the American Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM). In recent years, the participants have made outstanding achievements, and have won many awards: three students got the national first prizes, six students got the national second prizes, six students got the Beijing’s first prizes, and in MCM2015, four groups of students won second prizes.

        The department is outstanding in both teaching and researchIn teaching, our faculty members devote themselves to educational innovations, and have accomplished a few teaching reform projects of the university. Two of the professors have been honored “Beijing’s Teaching Masters”, and two of the young teachers have won the first prize in Beijing Young Faculty Contest of Basic Skills. In research, the faculty members of the Department of Mathematics have achieved remarkable development. In recent five years, our faculty members host 13 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), participate in 10 projects of NSFC, and host 2 projects of Beijing Natural Science Foundation and 10 other scientific projects of Beijing. They have published more than 100 papers on well-known international academic journals, such as Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Science in China, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Acta Mathematica Scientia and Front. Math. China etc. Using modern mathematical theories and methods, we have accomplished many achievements in the research areas of financial mathematics and applied mathematics.

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