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The School of Science of Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU) was established in January 2011. After the adjustment of the faculties in 2019, the School of Science currently includes the Department of Physics, the Department of Chemistry, the Department of Cosmetics, Beijing Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Research and Development, Key Laboratory of Cosmetics of China National Light Industry, the Center for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Experiments (the Demonstration Center for Experimental Teaching of Beijing Higher Education Institutions) and other departments. The school can enroll academic-typeMaster’s studentsin five disciplines including chemistry (science, first-level discipline), materials physics and chemistry (science), chemical technology (engineering), cosmetics science and technology (engineering), light industry technology and engineering (engineering). Meanwhile, the Department of Cosmetics and the Department of Chemistry can also enroll professional-type Master’s students in materials and chemical engineering. The school also has 4 undergraduate majors, namelyoptoelectronic information science and engineering, chemistry (quality analysis oflight chemical products), biotechnology (cosmetics), cosmetics technology and engineering. At present, there are 532 undergraduates and 114 master’s students.

The school focuses its strength on student education persistently and carries out various work in thepioneering and innovative spirit with the aim of enhancing the quality of undergraduate and postgraduate education. The school takes discipline construction as the main strategy, and closely integrates discipline construction with scientific research work, major construction, laboratory construction, social services, and so on. It continually condenses the directions and characteristics of disciplines, builds scientific research and innovation teams, and strives toforge first-rate majors and disciplines. Cosmetics, beingconstructed as the characteristic discipline direction by the school, has shaped featured directions, such as the development of plant raw materials with cosmetic efficacy and cosmetics safety and efficacy evaluation, which have earned a high reputation in the industry.

The school has first-class teaching laboratories.The Beijing Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Research and Development is a scientific research and teaching institution that takes the aloe and other characteristic plant resources as the research and development object, and it has been assessed and certified by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission and the Beijing Science and Technology Commission. Relying on the hardware resources and scientific research results of the key laboratory, the school has established research platforms such as the Quality Supervision and Testing Center of National Light Industryon Aloe Products, China Cosmetics Research Center of BTBU, the Cosmetics Cooperative Innovation Center of BTBU, and Key Laboratory of Cosmetics of China National Light Industry. The Center for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Experiments is the Demonstration Center for Experimental Teaching of Beijing Higher Education Institutions. It has 4 basic-course laboratories including inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry. Meanwhile, it also includesthemodern instrument analysis laboratory and thecomprehensive chemistry laboratory. The Physics Experiment Center consists of thebasic teaching laboratory of physics, the physics demonstration laboratory, the physics exploration and innovation laboratory, the magnetic thin-film materials laboratory, the laboratoryof optical functional materials and devices, and the computational physics laboratory.

As of October 2019, the school has 74 faculty members including 55 full-time teachers (15 professors, 29 associate professors, and 11 lecturers). There are 53 teachers with doctorates, accounting for 96% of the total number of teachers. Moreover,the school has3 doctoral supervisors and 47 master supervisors. Among the teachers, there are 1 expert enjoying the special allowance of the State Council, 2 famous teachers of Beijing, 2 excellent teachers of Beijing, 1 new star of science and technology of Beijing, 7 top-notch innovative talents of higher education institutions of Beijing Municipal Education Commission, 1 young talent of Beijing higher education institutions, 1 Beijing outstanding teacher in ethics, 1 excellent communist of Beijing higher education institutions, 1 academic innovation team of Beijing, 4 excellent young mainstay teachers of Beijing.

In the past 5 years, the school has won 1 first prize of science and technology progress of China Light Industry Association, 1 excellent prize of China Patent Award of State Intellectual Property Office, 1 second prize of Beijing Excellent Teaching Achievement Award, and 3 first prizes of Education and Teaching Achievement of BTBU.Meanwhile, the faculty members, as project coordinators, have carried out 15 projects funded by national level foundations such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 11 vertical projects at the provincial and ministerial levels, and more than 170 horizontal cooperation projects, which have brought in an average annual scientific research funding of more than 7.4 million yuan. Moreover, the school has been awarded 40 invention patents, and the faculty members have published, as first authors, more than 330 academic papers, of which more than 160 have been indexed by SCI / EI (3 highly cited and hot papers, and more than 110 papers ranked in Q1 and Q2). Furthermore, the school has published 15 monographsor textbooks.

With full enthusiasm for work, the faculty and staff of the whole school are striving to achieve the university’s overall goal, i.e., building a high-level research-oriented university, byadhering to the student-oriented idea, innovating teaching methods constantly, improving the education quality, actively carrying out cutting-edge scientific research and social services, and forging ahead in the pioneering and innovative spirit!

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