




办 公 室:北京工商大学阜成路校区,西校区综合楼807室


Ph.D. in Economics

Professor, Supervisor of Ph.D. Students

School of Economics,Beijing Technology and Business University,Beijing 100048



    MENG Chang is a professor of economics and doctoral supervisor of Applied Economics at Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU). He received his Ph.D. in economics from Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS). He earned his B.S. in chemistry from Beijing Institute of Chemistry and Technology, and M.A. in economics from Lanzhou University. He was a visiting scholar in Economics Department of University College Cork (UCC), National University of Ireland. Professor Meng is Council member of China Society of Industrial Economics, standing council member of Beijing Industrial Economic Association, standing council member and Deputy Secretary- General of Beijing Regional Economic Association, council member of (China) Employment Promotion Committee of Association of Labor Economics. He is also adjunct researcher of Cooperative Innovation Center (BTBU) for State-owned Assets Management, evaluation expert of National Social Science Fund, National Planning Office for Philosophy and Social Sciences.

    Professor Meng has taught undergraduate courses “Microeconomics”, “Managerial Economics”, “Macroeconomics” and “Economics of Development” at BTBU since 1999, and he also has given courses “Economic Development and Institutional Transition” and “Industrial Organization and Regulation” for postgraduates (Master students), and “Literature Review of Applied Economics” for Ph.D. Students.  

    His academic interests are primarily in the areas of economics such as industrial organization and government regulation, incentive problems in regulation in the process of China's economic transition and political reform. His recent research focuses on platform economy and two-sided market.

    Professor Meng has published more than 40 papers in high-ranking Chinese academic journals such as Finance & Trade Economics, Finance& Economics, Journal of International Trade, Journal of Reform, Review of Industrial Economics, Industrial Organization Review, Journal of Economic Theory and Business Management, and Journal of Lanzhou University, and he often writes column essays on Chinese economic issues for newspapers and popular magazines. He is co-author of Microeconomics (China Machine Press, 2006), an undergraduate-level textbook, which has been selected as textbook by many Chinese universities. Based on his Ph.D. dissertation, his book entitled Rents and Adverse Incentives under Administrative Barriers to Market Entry was published by Economic Science Press in 2012. He completed a National Social Science Fund project “Improvement of Industrial Structure between Regions under Constraint of Resources and Environment”, and published a book entitled “Improvement of Industrial Structure under Constraint of Resources and Environment” by China Social Sciences Press in 2017.

    Currently, Professor Meng is chairing a high-level research project “Overcapacity and countermeasures in state-owned capital dominated industries under administrative barriers to exit”, a key project of The National Social Science Fund of China, National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science.  



Ph.D. in economics from Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS).

M.A. in economics from Lanzhou University.

B.S. in chemistry from Beijing Institute of Chemistry and Technology.

Advanced studies and academic visiting scholar, Economics Department of University College Cork (UCC), National University of Ireland


Research Fields

Economics of industrial organization and government regulation (platform economy, two-sided market and anti-trust)

Industrial structure between regions

Incentive problems in regulation in the process of China's economic transition and political reform


Part-time Academic Job/Adjunct Research Position

Council Member, China Society of Industrial Economics

Standing Council, Beijing Industrial Economic Association

Standing Council, Deputy Secretary- General, Beijing Regional Economic Association

Council Member, (China) Employment Promotion Committee of Association of Labor Economics

Adjunct Researcher, Cooperative Innovation Center for State-owned Assets Management

Evaluation Expert, National Planning Office for Philosophy and Social Sciences, National Social Science Fund


Research Direction for Ph.D. Students and M.A. Students

Ph.D. Students of Applied Economics: Industrial Organization and Government Regulation

Academic Master’s Degree of Industrial Economics: Industrial Organization and Government Regulation

Professional Master’s Degree of Assets Valuation: Invisible Assets Valuation or Business Appraisal


Courses Taught

Microeconomics, for undergraduates

Macroeconomic, for undergraduates

Economics of development, for undergraduates

Economics of development, for M.A. Students

Managerial economics, for undergraduates

Political economy, for undergraduates

Principles of economics, for Business M.A. Students

Selected Reading of Classical Works of Economics, for M.A. Students

Literature Review of Industrial Organization and Government Regulation, for M.A. Students

Literatures Review of Applied Economics, for Ph.D. Students


Research Projects Chaired

Overcapacity and countermeasures in state-owned capital dominated industries under administrative barriers to exit, a key project of The National Social Science Fund of China, National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science, 2017.

Updating of regional industrial structure under constraint of resources and environment. The National Social Science Fund of China, National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science, 2010.

Rent Dissipation and Regulation Reform of Beijing Taxi Market, Beijing Social Science Fund, 2015.

Enterprise Performance under Administrative Barriers to Entry-Theoretical and Empirical Research Based on Rent-analyzing Paradigm, Talents training program of higher education institutions of Beijing, 2011-2013.

Evaluation of Food Subsidy Policy and Reform of Subsidy System Based on Market-pricing Mechanism, sub-subject of “Study on the Formation Mechanism of Food Price with Market Decisive Role under Food Security Target” (Chief expert, Prof. Li Chaoxian) , major project of The National Social Science Fund of China, National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science, 2014-2017.


Publication of Works and Textbooks

Meng Chang, Improvement of Industrial Structure under Constraint of Resources and Environment, China Social Sciences Press, 2017.

Meng Chang, Rents and Adverse Incentives under Administrative Barriers to Market Entry, Economic Science Press, 2012.

Microeconomics, (co-author) China Financial and Economic Publishing House, 2010.

Microeconomics, (co-author) Mechanical Industry Press, 2007.

Research of Midwest Development Model and Policy, (co-author) Gansu People's Publishing House, 1999.

Strategy of Urban and Rural Financial Coordinated Development, (co-author) Intellectual Property Publishing House, 2009.


Publications of Typical Papers

MENG Chang, LI Citing, Market Definition on Free Product of Network Platform Firm: The Case of Online Video Platform, 2019, forthcoming.

Meng Chang, Zhai Huiyuan, Strategies and Performances of B2C Open Platform under Effects of Network Externalities: Based on Armstrong Model of Platform Completion, 2019, forthcoming.

MENG Chang, QIU Jiejie, The “Anti-Engel” Fact in Evolution of Rural Residents Consumption during Urbanization---A Calculation from the Data in Beijing[J]. Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University (Social Sciences), 2018, 33(2):116-126.

MENG Chang YANG Xingcan, Market Concentration Changes and Performances of China's Banking Industry, Review of Industrial Economics, Jan 25, 2017,87-100.

Meng Chang, QI Chiming, The Influence of Taxi Market Structure aroused by the Fringe Entry of Online Car – hailing Service—Taking Beijing as an Example. Review of Industrial Economics.Vol. 16 No. 1 March 2017.

MENG Chang, ZHAI Hui-yuan, A Literature Review on Two-sided Markets in Network Industrial Organization,Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University (Social Sciences), Vol.28 No.1Jan., 2013.28-35.

MENG Chang, On the Origin, Evolution of Rent-seeking Analysis Paradigm and its Misuse in China-A Review of Etymology and Semantics based on Related Literature Texts. Modern Finance and Economics-Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, 2013(08),3-12.

MENG Chang, Legitimacy of Agricultural Subsidy and Reform of Subsidy System Based on WTO Agreements,Review of Economic Research, 2013.56 61-67.

Meng Chang, Renting, Incentives and Governance in the Regulated Economy, Industrial Organization Review, 2012, 6(02): 52-70.

Meng Chang, LIU Zhi, Review of Monopoly and Its Social Cost Accounting Research: Models, Methods and Evidence from China, Industrial Organization Review, 2012, 6(01): 156-171.

MENG Chang, A Survey of Industrial Research: Research Orientation of Regional Industrial Structure under the Constraint of Resource and Environment,Modern Finance and Economics-Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, 2012, 32(01): 97-104.

MENG Chang, Hardening of Enterprise Budgetary Constraints in the Light of Administrative Barrier to Entry, China Business and Market, 2012(07), 73-78.

MENG Chang, CHEN Yujie, China’s Inter-regional Energy Efficiency during the Period of 1995-2010: Descriptive Statistic and DEA Analysis Based on Provincial Panel Data, Finance & Trade Economics, 2012 (06): 116-123.

MENG Chang, On the Study Paradigm of Government Regulation from Public Interest to Rent Analysis, Modern Finance and Economics-Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, 2012(08), 5-12.

MENG Chang, ZHANG Xin, Industrial Structure Upgrade under the Dual Constraints of Resources and the Environment: Experiences and Revelations from Japan,Forestry Economics,2012(02):92-96.

MENG Chang, On the Enterprises' Moral-hazard in Overstating Cost in the light of Administrative Barrier to Entry,China Business and Market,2011,25(07):83-87.

MENG Chang, The Transformation of Low Carbon Economy and Reform of Resource Price System), Price: Theory & Practice,2011(10):25-26.

MENG Chang, On the Competitive Seeking Nature of Rent and Its Dissipation——A Terminology Research with Definition of Concepts Based on Classical Literature, Teaching and Research,2011(12):53-58.

MENG Chang, LIU Qiong, Three Typical Models and Experience in Poverty-stricken Areas Overseas,Forestry Economics, 2011(11):92-96.

MENG Chang, SUN Chenzheng, China’s Economic Development and Strategic Readjustment of the Urban-rural Gap, Forestry Economics,2011(04):53-55+84.

MENG Chang, Understand Barriers to Entry of Market: Based on Paradigm of Rent Analyzing Approach, China Business and Market,2010,24(05):49-52.

MENG Chang, Economies of Scale Do Not Need A Shield of Administrative Barriers to Entry,Economic Theory and Business Management,2010(05):37-43.

XU Minmin, MENG Chang, Research on the Positioning of Commercial Insurance Companies in Rural Medical Reform in China——Concurrently Discussing the Development of Small Health Insurance, Price: Theory & Practice,2010(09):72-73.

MENG Chang, ZHAO Xu, Reform of China’s Agricultural Subsidy Policy Based on American Experiences, Journal of International Trade,2008(02):35-40.

MENG Chang, Informational Cascade and Coordination Failure ——A Survey of a Theory Based on Network Externality, Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University (Social Science),2006(05):93-99.

MENG Chang, ZHANG Yu, Green Barrier’s Influences on China’ s Agricultural Products Export and Countermeasures, International Trade Journal,2005(11):55-60.

MENG Chang, Adjustment of Industrial Structure in West China with the Transition of Industrial Division between Regions, Finance and Economics,2005(04):135-140.

MENG Chang, The Development of China's small and Medium-sized Medical Instrument Enterprises after Joining the WTO,International Trade Journal, 2004(06):37-41.

MENG Chang,Thoughts on the Reform of Property Right System of Natural Resources,Reform,2003(05):114-117.

MENG Chang,Externality Effects, Transferable Sewage Discharge Permission and Green GDP Accounting,Reform, 2006(07):114-117.

Meng Chang, Lucas and Rational Expectation Economics:an Introduction to Nobel Prize-winning Achievements in Economics, Modernization of Management, 2000(02):54-55.

Meng Chang, LI Zongzhi, Regional Economic Cooperation between East and West, Journal of Lanzhou University, 2000(06):16-20.

Meng Chang,Inclusiveness, Externality and Diversified Investment in Education, Minsheng Weekly, May 2015.

Meng Chang, “Regulated Addiction Syndrome” in Taxi Industry, Renmin ZhengxieBao (Minying Weekly), May 19 2006.

Meng Chang,Who is “Bentham”? , Du Shu(CSSCI), 2006(05).

Meng Chang,The Development of Western Regions from the Perspective of Resource Advantages, Market Economy Research, 1998(02).

Meng Chang, The Model and Empirical Verification of Macroeconomic Costs,Reformation & Strategy,Supplement,1998.






Department of Economics,University College Cork,National University of Ireland,访问进修


1. 产业组织与政府管制(目前集中于平台经济与双边市场中的前沿产业组织问题研究)

2. 区域产业结构

3. 转轨经济中的政府治理


1. 应用经济学博士:产业经济学-产业组织与政府规制

2. 产业经济学-学术硕士:产业组织与政府规制

3. 资产评估-专业硕士:企业价值评估


1. 中国工业经济学会,理事


3. 北京产业经济学会,常务理事

4. 北京区域经济学会,常务理事,副秘书长

5. 国有资产管理协同创新中心,研究员

6. 全国哲学社会科学规划办-国家社科基金,评审专家


1. 微观经济学(本科生)

2. 宏观经济学(本科生)

3. 发展经济学(本科生、研究生)

4. 产业组织与政府管制文献研读(硕士研究生)

5. 经济学经典着作选读(硕士研究生)

6. 管理经济学(本科生)

7. 政治经济学(本科生)

8. 经济学原理(硕士研究生)

9. 应用经济学文献选读(博士留学生英文课)


1. 国家社科基金项目-重点项目“制度性退出壁垒下国有资本主导行业的产能过剩及治理”(2017-2020)

2. 国家社科基金项目-重大项目-子项目:粮食补贴政策评估与基于市场机制的补贴制度改革。重大项目 “粮食安全目标下市场起决定作用的粮食价格形成机制研究(14ZDA034,首席专家李朝鲜)” 201406-201616(结项)。

3. 国家社科基金-青年项目,资源环境约束条件下的区域产业结构升级研究(10CJY005),201007-201206。(结项)

4. 北京市社科基金-一般项目:北京市出租车市场管制下的租金耗散与管制改革(14JGB029)。201406-201616

5. 北京市“人才强教”项目:行政性进入壁垒下的企业绩效——基于租金范式的理论与实证研究(PHR20110879),201101-201312。(结项)




[1] 孟昌、邱捷捷,2018,城市化中农村居民消费演变的“反恩格尔”事实——来自北京市数据的测算,《北京工商大学学报》,第2期。

[2] 孟昌、杨星灿,2017,《中国银行业市场集中度变动及其与绩效的关系》,(工信部)《产业经济评论》,第1期。

[3] 孟昌、齐驰名,2017,《网约车的边缘性进入对出租车市场结构的影响》,(山东大学)《产业经济评论》第1期,第16卷。

[4] 孟昌,普惠性、外部性与教育投入多元化,《民生周刊》,2015年5月。

[5] 孟昌、2013,寻租分析范式的起源、演变及其在中国的误用——对文献的文本语源和语义考察,《现代财经》(CSSCI期刊),第8期。

[6] 孟昌、2013,农业补贴的正当性与基于WTO协议的补贴制度改革,《经济研究参考》(CSSCI期刊),第56期。

[7] 孟昌、翟慧元,2013,网络产业组织中的双边市场研究:文献述评,《北京工商大学学报》(CSSCI期刊)第1 期。

[8] 孟昌、刘志,2012,国内外污泥处理处置标准体系对比分析,《社会性规制评论》第1辑。

[9] 孟昌、陈玉杰,2012,1995-2010年的中国区域能源效率——描述性事实与基于面板数据DEA方法的经验实证《财贸经济》(CSSCI期刊),第6期。

[10] 孟昌,2012,论政府管制研究从公共利益论到新政治经济学范式的转换,《现代财经》(CSSCI期刊),第8期。

[11] 孟昌、刘志,2012,垄断及其社会成本核算研究述评:模型、方法与中国的证据,《产业组织评论》,第6卷第1辑。

[12] 孟昌,2012,管制经济中的抽租、腐败与治理,《产业组织评论》第1辑(9月)。

[13] 孟昌,2012,产业结构研究进展述评——兼论新时期我国区域产业结构的研究取向,《现代财经》(CSSCI期刊),第1期。

[14] 孟昌,2011,行政性进入壁垒下企业高报成本的道德风险,《中国流通经济》(CSSCI期刊),第7期。

[15] 孟昌,2011,低碳经济转型与资源价格体制改革,《价格理论与实践》(CSSCI期刊),第10期。

[16] 孟昌,孙晨正,2011,我国经济发展中的城乡差距及其战略性调整,《林业经济》第4期。

[17] 孟昌、张欣,2012,资源环境双重约束下的产业结构升级:日本的经验与启示,《林业经济》,第2期。

[18] 孟昌、刘琼,2011,国外贫困地区开发的三种代表性模式《林业经济》第11期。

[19] 孟昌,2011,租金的竞争性寻求及其耗散,《教学与研究》(CSSCI期刊)第12期。

[20] 孟昌,2010,结构性进入壁垒与行政性进入壁垒:基于租金分析范式的理解,《中国流通经济》(CSSCI期刊)第5期。

[21] 孟昌,2010,规模经济不需要行政性进入壁垒的保护,《经济理论与经济管理》(CSSCI期刊)第5期。

[22] 孟昌,2009年,WTO《农业协议》与中国农业补贴制度改革取向,载李朝鲜主编《中国经济改革与发展:改革开放30年历程回顾与展望论文集》,经济科学出版社。

[23] 孟昌,赵旭,2008,中美农业补贴的若干比较与借鉴,《国际贸易问题》(CSSCI期刊),第2期。

[24] 孟昌,2006,信息瀑与协调失灵:一个基于网络外部性概念的经济理论的产生及其进展,《北京工商大学学报》(CSSCI期刊),第5期。

[25] 孟昌,2006,外部性、可转让排污许可证与绿色GDP核算,《改革》(CSSCI期刊)第7期。

[26] 孟昌,2006,出租车行业“管制上瘾综合症”,《人民政协报(民营周刊)》,5月19日。

[27] 孟昌,2006,“本瑟姆”是何许人也,《读书》(CSSCI期刊)第5期。

[28] 孟昌,2005,区际分工转型中的西部地区产业结构转变,《财经科学》(CSSCI期刊)第4期。

[29] 孟昌,张瑜,2005,积极应对后WTO时代绿色贸易壁垒对中国农产品出口的影响,《国际贸易问题》(CSSCI期刊)第11期。

[30] 孟昌,2004,加入WTO后我国中小型医疗仪器企业的发展,《国际贸易问题》(CSSCI期刊)第6期。

[31] 孟昌,2003,对自然资源产权制度改革的思考,《改革》(CSSCI期刊)第5期。

[32] 孟昌、李宗植,2000,《论东西区域经济合作》,《兰州大学学报》(CSSCI期刊)第6期。

[33] 孟昌,2000,诺贝尔经济学奖介绍——卢卡斯及其理性预期经济学,《管理现代化》(CSSCI期刊)第2期。

[34] 孟昌,1998,从资源优势看西部地区的发展,《市场经济研究》第2期。

[35] 孟昌,1998,宏观经济成本的模型及经验验证,《改革与战略》增刊。



[1] 孟昌、李词婷,2018,网络平台企业免费产品的相关市场界定,“第九届产业组织前沿问题研讨会”,6月26日,辽宁大连。

[2] 孟昌,2013,产业经济学:“遵西方主流”还是“中国化”,2013年中国工业经济学会年会,11月1日,浙江杭州。

[3] 孟昌,翟慧元,2013,网络外部性下B2C市场平台开放的绩效研究,7月6日,辽宁大连

[4] 孟昌,刘志,2012,垄断企业管制中防范租金分享合谋的三层委托-代理模型,中国产业组织前沿论坛,7月6日,辽宁大连。第七届产业经济学与经济理论国际研讨会,6月27日,山东济南。

[5] 孟昌,2012,租金分析范式的起源、演变及其在中国的误用——对文献的文本语源和语义考察,中国产业组织前沿论坛,7月7日,辽宁大连。第七届产业经济学与经济理论国际研讨会,6月27日,山东济南。

[6] 余向华、陈雪娟、孟昌,2012,产业结构与能耗因素变动对我国碳减排的效应分析,中国工业经济学会年会,10月19日,湖南长沙。

[7] 杨晓华、孟昌,2012,资源禀赋、区域产业结构与效率:基于CCA-DEA模型,中国工业经济学会年会,10月19日,湖南长沙。

[8] 孟昌,刘志,2012,垄断及其社会成本核算研究述评:模型、方法与证据,4月21日,浙江杭州。

[9] 孟昌,2011,论政府管制研究的范式转换——从公共利益论到新政治经济学的租金分析范式,中国产业组织前沿论坛,6月16日,辽宁大连。

[10] 孟昌,2011,中国经济的高增长与低发展——对中国经济改革的思考,2011全国政治经济学研讨会,4月27日,北京。

[11] 孟昌,2011,低碳经济转型与资源价格体制改革,低碳经济转型下中国的能源挑战和政策专家座谈会,5月28日,上海。

[12] 孟昌,2010,基于对称信息管制契约的企业绩效、道德风险与政企合谋,第五届产业经济学与经济理论国际研讨会,6月20日,山东济南;2010年中国产业组织前沿论坛,7月24日,辽宁大连。

[13] 孟昌,2010,产业结构研究文献述评——兼论新时期我国产业结构问题研究取向,年中国工业经济年会。11月5日,江西南昌。

[14] 孟昌,2009,行政性进入壁垒保护与政府管制下企业的预算约束和道德风险,转型经济中的公司治理与公司财务国际论坛, 11月6日,上海。

[15] 孟昌,2008,我国经济发展的城乡差距及其战略性调整,中国经济改革与发展——改革开放30年历程回顾与展望研讨会,北京。

[16] 孟昌,2006,管制经济中的寻租与创业激励,中国工业经济学会理事会年会,10月,北京。



[1] 《资源环境约束与区域产业结构升级》,国家社科基金青年项目研究成果。2017。

[2] 《行政性进入壁垒下的租金与逆向激励》(独立完成),经济科学出版社,2012年。

[3] 《微观经济学》(副主编),机械工业出版社,2007年1月。

[4] 《中西部发展模式及政策研究》(参与),甘肃人民出版社,1999。

[5] 《城乡金融协调发展战略》(参与),知识产权出版社,2009年。

[6] 《微观经济学》(参与),中国财政经济出版社,2010年6月。



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