
郭志超,女,19851月生于山西省太原市,现任北京工商大学经济学院贸易系副教授,国际经济与贸易教研室副主任,国际贸易学/国际商务硕士研究生导师。2012年毕业于中国农业大学农业经济管理专业,获管理学本科及博士(硕博连读)学位,2009-2011年赴德国帕德博恩大学经济系进行联合培养,主要研究方向为农产品贸易与流通。主要讲授课程有《微观经济学》(英语)、《宏观经济学》(英语)、《国际投资与跨国企业管理》(英语)、《国际经济学》。近年来在《Economic Modelling》、《China Agricultural Economic Review》、《经济学动态》、《经济问题》等SSCI/CSSCI期刊及国际学术会议上发表论文数篇,主持国家社科基金青年项目1项、省部级项目2项,参与国家社科基金重大和重点项目各1项。


通信地址:北京市海淀区阜成路33号,北京工商大学经济学院,北京 100048

Guo, Zhichao, female, native of Shanxi Province, born in 1985, is an Associate Professor and Master Supervisor in International Trade/International Business at Department of Trade, School of Economics in Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU). She graduated from the College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University in 2012 and achieved Bachelor and Ph. D. Degrees there. She has studied and worked as a research assistant at Faculty of Business Administration and Economics in the University of Paderborn, Germany during 2009-2011. Her research fields are agricultural products trade and circulation. She teaches Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Investment and Multinational Enterprises Management in English. She has published several papers on SSCI/CSSCI journals and international conference such as Economic Modelling, China Agricultural Economic Review, Economic Perspectives, On Economic Problems and Proceedings of the 58th Congress of the ISI 2011. She is holding one National Social Science Fund Project and two Provincial Projects.

Email: guozhichao@th.btbu.edu.cn

Address: No. 33, Fucheng Road, Haidian District, School of Economics, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048


1. 郭志超,中德农产品贸易变化的定量研究,北京大学出版社, 2016.

2. Guo, Zhichao, Feng, Yuanhua and Gries, Thomas, Changes of China’s agri-food exports to Germany caused by its accession to WTO and the 2008 financial crisis, China Agricultural Economic Review (SSCI), 2015(7), 262 - 279.

3. Guo, Zhichao and Feng, Yuanhua, Modeling of the impact of the financial crisis and China’s accession to WTO on China’s exports to Germany, Economic Modelling (SSCI), 2013(31), 474-483.

4. Guo, Zhichao, et al., Short- and long-term impact of remarkable economic events on the growth causes of China-Germany trade in agri-food products, Economic Modelling (SSCI), 2011(28), 2359-2368.

5. Feng, Yuanhua, Guo, Zhichao and Peitz, Christian, A tree-form constant market share model for growth causes in international trade based on multi-level classification, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 2014(14), 207-228.

6. Feng, Yuanhua, Guo, Zhichao, et al., A tree-form constant market share analysis for modelling growth causes in international trade, Proceedings of the 58th Congress of the ISI 2011 (ISBN: 978-90-73592-33-9), 2012, 5065-5070.

7. 徐振宇、郭志超、荆林波,中国城乡消费差距的转折点——引入滚动虚拟变量的分段定量检测,经济学动态CSSCI),20146),32-49. 该文同时为人大复印报刊资料《统计与精算》2014年第6期全文转载。

8. 郭志超,我国玉米生产函数及技术效率分析,经济问题CSSCI),200911),74-78.


1. 主持国家社会科学基金青年项目:国际贸易对中国碳排放及其效率的影响与政策研究(14CGJ028),2014-2017年。

2. 主持北京市社会科学基金研究基地青年项目:重大事件对北京市生猪及猪肉价格波动的影响研究(13JDJGC053),2013-2015年。

3. 主持北京市教委社科计划面上项目:基于断点检测的重大事件对首都猪产品价格影响研究(SM201410011009),2014-2015年。

4. 参与国家社会科学基金重大项目:粮食安全目标下市场起决定作用的粮食价格形成机制研究(14ZDA034),2014-2016年。

5. 参与国家社会科学基金重点项目:欧盟国家碳泄漏对中国碳密集型产业发展的影响研究(13AGJ008),2013-2015年。


1. 北京工商大学2015-2016年度优秀教师,。

2. 北京工商大学哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖,2013年、2015年。

3. 北京工商大学35岁以下人文类个人科研总分第三名,2014年。

4. 北京工商大学35岁以下人文类个人科研总分第四名,2013年。

5. 北京工商大学经济学院优秀班主任,2013年、2016年。