
廉小亲-Lian Xiaoqin

作者: 计算机与信息工程学院  |  发布日期:2017-03-17 18:21:00  |  阅读次数:







1992.09 – 1995.09   工学博士,北京理工大学,机械制造及其自动化专业

1989.10 – 1992.04   工学硕士,北京理工大学,自动化专业

1985.09 – 1989.07   工学学士,北方工业大学,工业企业电气自动化专业


1.   1998年北京市高校优秀青年教师;

2.   北京市属市管高校2005年度中青年骨干教师;

3.   2006年度北京工商大学师德先进个人;

4.   2006年北京工商大学本科教学二等奖;

5.   2011年北京工商大学本科教学优秀二等奖;

6.   2011年北京工商大学优秀共产党员;

7.   2011年北京工商大学科技进步三等奖;

8.   2012年北京工商大学优秀教师;

9.   2013年北京市优秀教师;

10.  2014年北京工商大学优秀教师;

11.  2014年中国轻工业联合会科学技术奖三等奖;

12.  2017年北京工商大学教育教学成果奖一等奖;

13.  2018年北京工商大学研究生教育教学成果奖一等奖。


近年来在可再生能源应用、智能家居、物联网、医疗仪器及器械等领域进行了较广泛深入的研究。已承担或参加十一五国家科技支撑计划重点项目1项、省部级项目3项、合作项目10余项;在专业学术期刊及国际学术会议上发表学术论文50余篇,其中30余篇被EI收录;2003年出版《模糊控制技术》学术着作1部,2009年作为参编出版《神经网络设计方法与实例分析》学术着作1部,2014年出版《可再生能源与建筑集成示范工程远程监测系统》学术着作1部;国防科工委兵器工业总公司八五科技攻关项目“FMSFlexible Manufacture System)故障诊断知识库开发“FMS故障快速诊断与排除的研究获得1996年度北京理工大学校级优秀科技成果二等奖和1997年度兵器工业部科技进步三等奖;天津芥园水厂自来水处理工艺过程计算控制系统2014年获中国轻工业联合会科学技术奖三等奖。已授权实用新型专利5项,发明专利2项,已培养30余名硕士研究生。


1)   2016-2018主持横向项目“康宝智慧厨房系统APP设计及实现

2)   2016-2017主持横向项目“康宝智慧厨房系统设计及实现”;

3)   2015-2017主持横向项目“TCL空调远程控制APP设计开发”;

4)   2014-2015主持横向项目“外勤管理和采暖售前APP项目”;

5)   2014-2015主持横向项目“停车场出入口车辆及车位检测系统”;

6)   2014-2015主持横向项目“基于Ayla云平台的壁挂炉远程控制系统”;

7)   2011,03-2012,05 主持横向项目基于ZIGBEE的物联网络控制技术在智能建筑节能应用中的研究

8)   2011,03-2012,05 主持横向项目全自动血凝仪控制系统实现

9)   2006,10-2010,12 主持十一五国家科技支撑计划重点项目可再生能源与建筑集成技术研究与示范的子课题可再生能源与建筑集成示范建筑运行监测与分析

10) 2009,10-2011,9 主持美国德州仪器创新项目基金:一种新颖的太阳能光伏系统最大功率点追踪控制算法研究

11) 2009,10-2010,10 主持横向项目太阳能光伏发电电能远程监测系统开发

12) 2007,1-2009,12 主持北京市中青年骨干教师人才强教项目基于WebAccess的太阳能热水示范建筑监测系统设计及实现基于WebAccess CAN总线的建筑常规能源能耗监测系统基于WebAccess的远程建筑室内环境参数监测系统的研究

13) 2005,7-2011,11 主持横向项目天津芥园水厂自控系统控制程序设计及优化

14) 2006,9-2007,3 主持横向项目广州宝洁公司5#(Tank Module)系统程序设计

15) 2005,1-2007,6 主持北京市优秀人才项目基于电子标签技术的仓储物流自动化系统的研究

16) 2005,1-2006,12 主持北京市教委项目电子标签技术在物流控制系统中的应用

17) 2005,5-2005,12 主持横向项目车牌识别软件开发

18) 2002,3-2002,6主持横向项目“IC卡校表编程器的设计

19) 2001,6-2001,9主持横向项目多功能电参数测试仪的研究

20) 1997,9-1999,10,作为技术骨干参加轻工业总公司九五科技攻关项目造纸生产过程优化控制系统的研究的专题碱回收过程优化控制系统的子课题蒸发过程优化控制系统的研究

21) 1992,9-1995,10,读博期间,作为技术骨干参加由王信义教授主持的国防科工委兵器工业总公司八五科技攻关项目“FMS故障诊断知识库开发“FMS故障快速诊断与排除的研究

22) 1989,10-1992,4,读硕期间,作为技术骨干参加由张宇河教授主持的横向项目火炮随动系统通用数字控制器的研究



Name: LIAN Xiaoqin

Academic Posts


Research Interests

Computer Measurement & Control Technique

Teaching courses

Information Theory and Coding》、《DSP Technique》、《Artificial Nerve Network


1992.09 – 1995.09  Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation. Beijing Institute of Technology, Doctor

1989.10 – 1992.04  Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, Master

1985.09 – 1989.07  Automation, North China University of Technology, Bachelor

Awards & Honors

1)     Excellent young teacher of university of Beijing city in 1998.

2)     Young and middle-aged prominent teacher of a municipal university of Beijing in 2005.

3)     Outstanding individual in teaching and morality of Beijing Technology and Business University in 2006.

4)     Second award for undergraduate teaching of Beijing Technology and Business University in 2006.

5)     Excellent Second award for undergraduate teaching of Beijing Technology and Business University in 2011.

6)     Third award for science and technology progress of Beijing Technology and Business University in 2011.

7)     Excellent teacher of Beijing Technology and Business University in 2012.

8)     Excellent teacher of Beijing city in 2013.

9)     Excellent teacher of Beijing Technology and Business University in 2014.

10)  Third prize of science and technology award of China National Light Industry Council in 2014.

11)  First prize of education teaching achievement award of Beijing Technology and Business University in 2017.

12)  First prize of education teaching achievement award for postgraduates of Beijing Technology and Business University in 2018.

Major academic achievements :(topics, papers, awards, patents, etc.)

In recent years, extensive and in-depth research has been carried out in the fields of renewable energy applications, smart homes, Internet of Things, medical instruments and so on. One of the key projects of the 11th Five-Year National Science and Technology Support Program, 3 provincial and ministerial level projects, and more than 10 cooperation projects has been undertaken or participated in. More than 50 academic papers have been published in professional academic journals and international academic conferences, including more than 30 papers was indexed by EI. The book named "Fuzzy Control Technology" was published in 2003. One academic work was published as a compilation of "Neural Network Design Methods and Case Analysis" in 2009. The "Renewable Energy and Building Integration Demonstration Project" was published in 2014. "Development of fault diagnosis knowledge base of Flexible Manufacture System" and "Research on fast fault diagnosis and elimination of Flexible Manufacture System", the "eighth five year" science and technology project of the ordnance industry corporation of the commission of stind, won the second prize of excellent scientific and technological achievements of Beijing university of technology in 1996 and the third prize of scientific and technological progress of the ministry of ordnance industry in 1997.The computer control system of the water treatment process of Tianjin Jieyuan Water Plant was awarded the third prize of the Science and Technology Award of China National Light Industry Council in 2014. Five utility model patents and two invention patents have been authorized, and more than 30 graduate students have been trained.


Phone +86-10-68985506,

E-mail: lianxq@263.net